
Hi! And welcome to my very one personnal Hot BLog! YAY! Here you'll find many topics from hot or not where I evaluate whats hot or not (obviously). I also have a weekly spotlight that picks this weeks best t.v show, movie, actors and more :) My name is fairygirl121 and thats as far as you'll know about me. I know what your thinking that's really wierd to have that as your name, well don't you think it's better to believe that there's something more to your life, that there's something magic. Or you could just live your regular dull life, with ordinary expetations and ordinary, boring thoughts. I'll let you choose.


   There's just one last thing I want to let you know, it is perfectly safe to read this blog, I don't swear, I don't talk inappropiately, and I HATE mean, rude, jerks. So you don't have to worry about reading something gross and wrong this blog is safe! Please enjoy :) Oh also I'll try to add new posts every week so make sure to check often. You can also contact me through stardoll, my username is puppies_rule101. Just rememder to follow all onestop rules :) Oh and I know I sound really wierd so far but isn't that the message adults are trying to shove down bullies throughts, be different and except others differences? In other words, if you don't except people for there differences you might be a bully.